There are many ways for each of us to give of our time and talent at Our Lady of Victory.
Service Opportunities
Parish Office Support
Support needed includes general office support, helping to insert materials in the weekly bulletins, and organizing monthly lottery tickets for subscriptions. This assistance is needed on weekdays during parish office hours.
Contact the Parish Secretary at 410-242-0131 ext. 231 if you are interested in helping.
Church Cleaning
A group of people takes care of cleaning the main altar, the front door windows, the Marian room, and sacristy. We can always use help! There is no minimum age and no special qualifications, except the love of God (and cleanliness).
Contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for additional information or to volunteer.
Parish Food Pantry
Our mission is to assist families in need of food. Our food pantry is open to all who are in need on every Saturday from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. You must have the willingness and desire to help others, and be at least high school age to work in the food pantry.
We accept donations of non-perishable food, toiletries, and gift cards from local grocery stores in the shopping carts located in the Gathering Space when you come to Mass, or you may drop off to the Parish Office during normal operating hours.
Contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Respect Life
Our ministry is to promote the respect of human life from conception through natural death. We work with and promote parish participation in Archdiocesan-sponsored programs such as “Project Rachel” and “Spiritual Adoption.” We also support the Pregnancy Center West project. We work to fight against legislation that promotes abortion and assisted suicide, and work for legislation that promotes life. We are in need of caring people of all ages who respect life as God’s precious gift to be both leaders and workers in our fight for life.
Contact Jean Szech through the Parish Secretary at 410-242-0131 ext. 231 for more information.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee of the Pastoral Council is a fundamental part of our parish community. The Finance Committee is charged with monitoring the financial health of the parish. Although somewhat invisible to the parish at large, this committee is involved in all activities at OLV. The Finance Committee meets once a month, on the second Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory. The members of the Finance Committee also serve on the Campaign Follow-Up Committee, and both committees meet at the same time.
Contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Knights of Columbus
Contact Grand Knight, Bill Bernard via the Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Monthly Lottery Ticket Sales
OLV has a monthly “Lucky Numbers” raffle that is based on the Maryland Lottery Pick 3 Numbers daily drawing. A small group of volunteers help this fundraiser by selling tickets.
Contact the Parish Secretary at 410-242-0131 for more information.
Money Counter
We have several teams of parishioners who volunteer on Monday mornings to count the offertory collection. If you are available on every other Monday of the month to volunteer contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131.
Fellowship Sundays (Coffee and Donuts)
Fellowship Sundays are sponsored by the Renew Group, but are always open to other volunteers. Once per month, the group provides doughnuts and other pastries and coffee after one mass.
Contact Phyllis Jicha through the Parish Secretary at 410-242-0131 ext. 231 for more information.
Parish Picnic
OLV holds an annual parish picnic, usually at the beginning of the school year. A group of parishioners meets periodically beforehand to organize the food offerings and to plan the activities.
Contact the committee through the Parish Secretary at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Health Ministry/Ministers of Care
Parish visitors reach out and touch the lives of our elderly, the sick, and those who are homebound. We bring them the Eucharist, listen, comfort, talk, and pray with those we visit. Volunteers must be at least 20 years old, have the willingness to spend time visiting parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes, or private homes. They must be trained to be Eucharistic Ministers and attend a workshop for Ministers to the Sick, and be STAND compliant.
Contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Hospitality Ministry/Ushers
Our ushers provide our hospitality ministry by welcoming people as they enter the Gathering Space before mass and making themselves available to answer questions.
Contact our Parish Office at 410-242-0131 for more information or to volunteer.
Saying YES to God means answering a call rather than initiating it and remaining open to the possibility of a vocation to the religious life as a priest, sister, brother, or permanent deacon.
Contact Father Bill at our Parish Office 410-242-0131 if you feel as though you are being called to the priesthood or religious life.